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Search results for "Uri Avnery"

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I FIRST met Mahmoud Abbas in Tunis at the beginning of 1983. I knew that he was responsible for the Israel desk in the...

The A-List

FORTY-FIVE YEARS ago Gamal Abd-al-Nasser died at the early age of 52. It is not an event of the past. It continues to have...

The A-List

“WE HAVE nothing to fear but fear itself, ” said President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was wrong. Fear is a necessary condition for human...

The A-List

IN THE early 1950s, I published a story by my friend, Miko Almaz. At the time, the new State of Israel was in dire...

The A-List

I AM AFRAID. I am not ashamed to admit it. I am afraid. I am afraid of the Islamic State movement, alias ISIS, alias...

The A-List

THE MISDEEDS of Napoleon’s occupation army in Spain were not photographed. Photography had not yet been invented. The valiant fighters against the occupation had...

The A-List

I MUST admit that Moshe ”Bogie” Ya’alon did not top the list of my favorite politicians. The former army Chief of Staff and present...

The A-List

ONE HAS to choose: Binyamin Netanyahu is either incredibly shrewd or incredibly foolish. Take his Iran policy. Actually, there is little to choose from....

The A-List

SOME OF my best friends demand that I write an article condemning unconditionally the “administrative detention” of Jewish terrorists. Three suspected terrorists have already...

The A-List

BINYAMIN NETANYAHU is not known as a classical scholar, but even so he has adopted the Roman maxim Divide et Impera, divide and rule....