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Search results for "Haredi"


Members of a new investment club, including Israel's biggest names in high-tech, are putting their money behind ventures in the KamaTech accelerator.


The Yisrael Beytenu leader, after meeting with the PM, has agreed to bring his party to the government and take the defense portfolio; negotiations...

Life & Style

A new UNICEF report reveals that Israeli children are not only the poorest children in Western countries, but their parents also suffer from the...

The A-List

Analysis: Israel is forging new relationships with dubious and corrupt regimes, fundamentally harming our longstanding alliance with America.


But on the other hand almost half - 46 percent - of Israeli Jews 'strongly disagree' or 'disagree' with the idea.


El Al flights have often been flashpoints of friction between the austere form of Judaism practiced by many ultra-Orthodox Jews and secular Jews.

Life & Style

  The Israeli government agrees to create separate expansion of a mixed-gender, non-orthodox prayer space at Western Wall in compromise,  in a Cabinet meeting...

Life & Style

"The purpose of the state in my view is not to impose cultural values on a minority which has its own cultural values and...


As a Kabbalist, specializing in the intricacies of human nature, I know that as the situation in Europe worsens, and it will, the pressure...


Following the jihadist attack on a kippa [Jewish skull-cap] wearing Jewish teacher in Marseille, the president of the city’s Jewish community, Zvi Ammar, advised...