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Farmer Discovers That This Seemingly Ordinary Rabbit Hole Contains A 700 Year Old Secret Knights Templar amazing cave complex
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Ackman said that the deal would make the company a "modern-day Berkshire Hathaway that would acquire controlling interests in operating companies."
Dr. Sivan Spitzer, of Bar-Ilan University, joins researchers from six EU countries to lead groundbreaking initiative in collaboration with Novo Nordisk, Pfizer
In 2024, about 16,400 rockets were fired and crossed into Israel, of which some 15,400 were launched from Lebanon and some 700 from Gaza.
Farmer Discovers That This Seemingly Ordinary Rabbit Hole Contains A 700 Year Old Secret Knights Templar amazing cave complex
Google Scholar, a search engine for scholarly literature, may be search giant’s first service to re-enter world’s biggest internet market
Eugenia Kuyda’s best friend Roman unexpectedly passed away in November 2015. Kudya had been working on an AI startup for two years....
Built by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, a Caribbean estate with a private beach and coconut “Girasol” has come onto the market for $67 million....
"I've never played with or seen anyone who wants it as much as Josh Zeid," Israel first baseman Nate Freiman. Team will face Japan,...
Ivanka Trump, one of Judaism's must famous converts shares a picture on social media with her children preparing for Purim on Sunday.
A spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration said Muhammad Ali Jr. also because his jewelry set off a checkpoint scanner alarm.
Hamburger Morgenpost includes the Israeli PM alongside the craziest leaders of Russia, Iran and North Korea, inter alia. The paper later calls Netanyahu's inclusion...
Following Trump-Abbas phone call on Friday a Middle East peace conference is a real possibility; Trump advisor on Israel, Jason Greenblatt, to begin talks
Oil discovery of 1.2 billion barrels reserves have been found in Alaska’s North Slope, which said is the biggest onshore in the U.S. in...