"Wesleyan is embarking on an ambitious growth project and the introduction of Sapiens ALIS 6.5 is a fundamental step in ensuring we have the...
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"Wesleyan is embarking on an ambitious growth project and the introduction of Sapiens ALIS 6.5 is a fundamental step in ensuring we have the...
It’s still only in previews and has already brought in more than $1 million.
"Some people would say I deserve a lifetime achievement award just for talking to Harvey for that amount of time. Knowing Harvey, of course,...
“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP.”
“There’s plenty of room for beach bathing in this modern Israeli city on the Mediterranean. The historic port of Jaffa has found new life...
"How many weeks ago were we written off by all the press and just about everybody else? Just the fact that we're in the...
“This would be our first construction of residential downtown.”
"This strong and advanced aircraft is about to enter the Middle East and here it means a lot.”