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Search results for "Watergen"


Watergen, an Israeli company specializing in generating water from the air, is helping the people of Ukraine survive the harshness of the Russian invasion...


Watergen, an Israeli company specializing in generating water from the air, is now helping the people in Syria who are in dire need of...


Watergen can turn the water vapor in humidity into drinking water.


  An Israeli startup called Watergen hopes to someday be able to solve the world’s water shortage problems. It will do so by taking...


Israel High Tech Scene July 8 – July 14 New Startups / VC Funding Israel’s Watergen Provides Water to Ukrainians Suffering After Dam Destroyed...


BlueGreen Water Technologies, an Israeli startup advancing green tech, launched its Net Blue, the first deep water, nature-based climate solution for atmospheric carbon removal...


New Startups / VC Funding Redefine Meat Raising Another $250 Million For Meat Substitutes The Israeli startup Redefine Meat is raising an additional $250...


The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also called the COP26, kicks off today in Glasgow, Scotland. Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett leaves today...


Researchers at Tel Aviv University discovered that water formed from the air in the center of a metropolitan area, met all the drinking water...


ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS More accessible cancer treatment. The Car-T cancer therapy invented by Israel’s Professor Zelig Eshhar is curing thousands of blood cancer patients. But the...

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