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Google Drops ‘Bomb Gaza’ App


Google has removed the game “Bomb Gaza” made by Play FTW from its Android play store, but it is still available on Facebook and Ustream. And while those two download points may be taken down eventually, the dedicated website will probably stay on longer: Bomb Gaza Apk Game Download.

Google took action in response to widespread criticism that the game was offensive to people in Gaza.

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Bomb Gaza is a fairly primitive game for mobile devices which lets users pretend that they are taking part in Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip by dropping bombs on “targets” from Israeli Air Force planes, while trying to avoid hitting civilian targets. The app premiered on July 29th and had been downloaded more than 1, 000 times before Google removed it.

The civilians are distinguished from the terrorists in that they wear white robes and are shown to be clutching children. The terrorists are dressed in black with green headbands, just like Hamas members, and carry weapons.

A Google spokesman was quoted as saying that, “We remove apps from Google Play that violate our policies.”

The company’s official policy states that it does not approve of any apps for use on its Android system that depict gratuitous acts of violence.

One comment in support of Bomb Gaza on PlayFTW’s Facebook page read, “It’s funny that a bunch of Jew haters are the first to scream racism when a silly game is about them. I bet if it were about shooting rockets to kill Israeli’s there wouldn’t be a complaint.”

A comment condemning it simply said, “Stupid game. Racist game. Bullshit.”

Google has also removed several other games related to the Israel/Arab conflict. Gaza Assault: Code Red, in which players can pretend to be piloting Israeli drones as they bomb Arab targets was also pulled. Whack The Hamas, in which users try to “whack” Hamas terrorists as they exit tunnels, was also removed by Google.

Google has been even handed in its policies, however. An Arab made game called “Rocket Pride” in which the player shoots rockets at Israel from Gaza is no longer to be found on Android Play Store.

If you are looking for a game to play on your Android device that is related to the conflict there are still some available. For example, “Iron Dome” lets players pretend that they are operating Israel’s iron Dome anti-missile system to protect the country from rocket attacks coming from Gaza.



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