The press attaché of the Embassy of Russia in Mongolia, Lhagvasuren Namsrai, has confirmed the information about the country’s Parliament receiving an official letter from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the requirement to pay compensation for the destruction of Kiev by the troops of Batu Khan.
“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine wrote an official letter to the State Great Khural (our Parliament) that said in the thirteenth century Batu Khan (Golden Horde, the grandson of Genghis Khan) organized the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians demand the payment of compensation. Both Russian and Mongolian websites have written about it”, said Namsrai on the 29th February in an interview with radio station “Vesti FM”.
“Then our correspondent asked our Chairman of the State Great Hural: the letter is factual? And our Chairman of the State Great Hural replied that, generally, in the history of the Middle ages it was the Kievan Rus, the Ukrainian State did not exist then. But if the Verkhovna Rada writes all the names of the Ukrainian citizens who died as a result of genocide, and their families, we will be ready to pay”, — said the press attaché.
As a reminder, in May of 2015, the TV channels “Ren TV”, “Star” and several other news agencies reported that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the resolution “On the genocide of the Ukrainian people in the 13th century by the criminal regime of the Mongol Empire” and sent to the Mongolian authorities the requirement to pay compensation for the destruction of Kiev. Meanwhile some agencies reported the announcement as a prank.
The Chairman of the Khural, Zandaahuugiyn Enkhbold, called the resolution of the Ukrainian Parliament “a propaganda cliche of Ukraine concerning Mongolia”. “The world did not know and never heard about any Ukrainian nation, especially in the era of the heirs of the Great Temujin, he said. — Millions of dead Ukrainians in the thirteenth century is the fruit of an unhealthy imagination of Ukrainian deputies”.
Enkhbold added that “Mongolia is ready to pay damages in the capture of Kiev by Batu Khan, but only to the victims or their families”. “We look forward to announcing the full list of victims”, — said the Chairman of the Khural.