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Revealed: America’s Rudest City Ranked – Top 10 List Surprises

Lack of awareness in public, loudness in shared places, and rudeness to service staff members are just some of the behaviors that branded Miami, FL, as having the rudest residents.


You probably think – like everyone else in the world would when asked – that New York City is the rudest city in America. But believe it or not, America’s rudest city is Miami Florida, at least according to research conducted by international tutoring service

The second rudest city in America is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, according to the research at least.

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“If you’re in Miami, FL, Philadelphia, PA, or Tampa, FL, don’t be surprised if you come across the rudest people you’ve ever met, as residents in those cities ranked as the rudest in 2024,” said Preply.

To determine the rankings, Preply surveyed residents about social behaviors they noticed in their city and calculated a city rudeness score based on the answers. Despite the official rankings, residents shared where they think their neighbors land on the rudeness scale. Locals in Miami, FL, Oakland, CA, and Tucson, AZ, said people in their city are ruder than those in any other city.

Lack of awareness in public, loudness in shared places, and rudeness to service staff members are just some of the behaviors that branded Miami, FL, as having the rudest residents. Although Philadelphia, PA, ranked as the second rudest, the city’s residents have gotten kinder since 2022, when they ranked number one. However, not all cities have improved.

This may be seen as a common stereotype about Miami, but it’s not universally agreed upon. While some studies have ranked Miami as one of the rudest cities in the U.S., it’s important to note that these rankings are often based on subjective surveys and can vary depending on factors like sample size and cultural differences.

It’s also worth considering that cities with large tourist populations may experience higher levels of rudeness due to cultural misunderstandings or language barriers.

Ultimately, individual experiences can vary widely. Have you personally encountered rudeness in Miami? If so, I’d be curious to hear more about your experiences.



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