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Israel’s Kubiya Unveils AI Teammates: Automate DevOps Tasks with Virtual Assistants

Kubiya’s AI Teammates empower users by allowing them to delegate tasks, fostering greater autonomy and efficiency, boasts the company


Kubiya co-founders L-R CEO Amit Eyal Govrin and CTO Shaked Askayo (company pic)

Kubiya is an Israeli startup that offers a Conversational AI solution for DevOps teams. The firm raised an additional $6 million in an equity and debt extension of its seed round of funding for a total of $12 million. At the same time, Kubiya released its AI Teammates, which it says offers a new way for developers to delegate DevOps tasks through organic, human-like conversations.

DevOps is a set of practices and cultural philosophies that aim to shorten the development life cycle and provide continuous delivery by establishing collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. It emphasizes automation and monitoring at all stages of software development to improve the speed and quality of software delivery.

Founded in 2004 by CEO Amit Eyal Govrin and CTO Shaked Askayo, Kubiya UX specializes in UX / UI and Software Development. The company provides customers with an end-to-end service, handling all the phases from research to final implementation.

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Kubiya explains that with 64% of IT leaders struggling to find skilled DevOps practitioners, the existing operators often find themselves overstretched to meet ever-increasing business demands. Everyday tasks such as providing access to databases and storage buckets, looking into service logs and metrics or answering urgent financial questions such as the cost of a customer environment, can remain stuck in a virtual queue, stalling productivity, and causing backlogs that impact bottom lines.

Kubiya boasts that its Conversational AI empowers organizational users with a self-service option, allowing them to express their intent in natural language and have the virtual assistant take appropriate action by automating simple and tedious tasks. Kubiya’s solution can draw upon data from multiple sources, contextualizing each user inquiry to achieve fast, comprehensive results, and freeing up DevOps teams for more complex assignments that require a human response – boosting productivity across the board.

Traditional automation often faces challenges due to its complexity and time-consuming nature, explains the company. Kubiya’s AI Teammates offer a more streamlined approach, leveraging advanced AI technologies to provide flexible, adaptable, and scalable automation solutions. These AI agents seamlessly integrate into existing organizational processes, eliminating the need for extensive planning and coding.

Kubiya’s AI Teammates empower users by allowing them to delegate tasks, fostering greater autonomy and efficiency, boasts the company. Their interactive nature enables a collaborative exchange between operators and users, ensuring that the automation solution continuously adapts to changing business needs. This dynamic approach delivers predictable and scalable automation without the complexities of traditional methods.

“If fully automating a process were as simple as asking a colleague to take on a task, delegating with trust that it would be completed in a predictable, controllable, and auditable manner, then almost anything could be automated,” weighed in Kubiya co-founder and CEO Amit Eyal Govirin. “What we have done at Kubiya is change the form factor of automation into delegation.”



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