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Rebel Wilson Seeks Len Blavatnik’s Support in ‘The Debs’ Legal Battle

In a post rebel Wilson pleaded with Len Blavatnik to, “please stop funding and protecting” the plaintiffs.

Rebel Wilson The Deb

Rebel Wilson turned up the heat in her war of words with the producers of her latest film, as well as with prominent Jewish philanthropist and billionaire Len Blavatnik. Producers of the new movie “The Deb” are suing Rebel Wilson for defamation over comments she previously made about them. The movie was financed by Len Blavatnik.

Now the three have amended the suit to include additional comments made by Rebel Wilson this week.

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The lawsuit was filed over comments Rebel Wilson made in a video posted on Instagram in June in which the actress accused producers Amanda Ghost, Gregor Cameron and Vince Holden of “misconduct, embezzlement, and sabotage.”

In a new post, Rebel Wilson pleaded with Len Blavatnik to, “please stop funding and protecting (producers) Amanda Ghost, Gregor Cameron and Vince Holden. Clearly these recent press articles and constant retaliations against me for speaking the truth on my small Australian movie are FALSE. All I did was tell the truth about these ‘absolute fuckwits’ – now they launch a bogus defamation suit and bogus articles to inflict further harm.”

The dispute revolves around Rebel Wilson’s allegation that the producers have somehow “buried “The Deb” in that they are keeping the movie from being released.

In response to the lawsuit, Rebel Wilson said on Instagram, “It’s not defamation if it’s the TRUTH (those ‘producers’ who I mentioned in my last post have just filed a defamation suit against me and sent to the press! It is a bogus PR stunt).”

“If my movie gets buried at least you know why,” she added.

Rebel Wilson went on to call the producers “absolute fuckwits!”

In their lawsuit, the producers charge that Rebel Wilson has “a history of fabricating false and malicious lies to hide her own lack of professionalism.”

The Debs is an original comedy musical about two Australian teenage girls attending a debutante ball in a small country town. The movie is Rebel Wilson’s directorial debut and is set to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.

They also charge that Rebel Wilson “demanded that Plaintiffs provide her a record label with an external music group (a demand which was well outside of Plaintiff’s power to provide).”

Len Blavatnik is the chairman and CEO of Access Industries, a multinational conglomerate. Blavatnik is one of the richest in the world. Forbes estimated his net worth at $32.1 billion.



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