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Research Reveals: Women’s Positive Attitudes Towards Sexting, Study Finds

While sexting may be socially acceptable these days, it still comes with many rule that people should follow in order to ensure that no one is harmed.


Do you ever “sext” anyone? Sexting is a popular new trend; however, many think it is enjoyed only by men. Well, according to a new study from Scientists from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico women also enjoy engaging in the practice.

Sexting is the act of sending sexually suggestive text messages, photos, or videos. It has become increasingly common, particularly among younger generations.

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Scientists from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico analyzed the brains of 27 heterosexual women. Participants were recruited voluntarily through personal invitations or online platforms (email, social media) and were offered no compensation. To minimize potential influences on brain activity, participants were asked to abstain from caffeine and alcohol for 12 hours prior to the recording sessions. All participants provided informed consent and were assured of complete confidentiality. They were also informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without repercussions.

Two types of texts were utilized: one categorized as sexually explicit (SET) and the other as sexually explicit with aggression (SETA). The selection was based on a previous pilot study involving 14 young heterosexual women (average age = 23.6 years). The SET comprised excerpts from the Fifty Shades trilogy [48,49,50]. Given that films depicting heterosexual vaginal intercourse are generally found most appealing and arousing by women, the excerpts included descriptions of sexual activity performed by a young heterosexual couple, featuring anatomical references, passionate kissing, fondling and explicit sexual descriptions. In the case of SETA, it comprised excerpts from the aforementioned trilogy, which added whipping, spanking and bondage.

While sexting may be socially acceptable these days, it still comes with many rule that people should follow in order to ensure that no one is harmed.

Mutual consent is crucial and both parties should agree to the content and distribution of the images or messages. Sexting involving minors can have serious legal consequences. Laws vary by jurisdiction, but sharing explicit images of a minor can be considered child pornography.

Once something is sent digitally, it’s difficult to control its spread. There’s always a risk of images being shared without consent. Sexting can have emotional consequences, such as embarrassment, shame, or even depression if images are leaked or misused.

Sexting can be a healthy part of a relationship, but it’s important to maintain trust and open communication.



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