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Israeli Politics

62% of Voters Won’t Back Parties Supporting Netanyahu, Poll Reveals

The poll highlights deep divisions and uncertainties regarding Netanyahu’s leadership and the government’s crisis management.

 Dorit Beinisch, the retired president of the Supreme Court of Israel, joined the protests against PM Netanyahu
In the picture: This week Dorit Beinisch, the retired president of the Supreme Court of Israel, joined the protests against PM Netanyahu

A Friday evening television poll revealed that 62% of voters would not support a party supporting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s continued premiership. The Channel 12 news survey indicated that only 19% of respondents would vote for a party supporting Netanyahu, while another 19% were undecided.

This poll highlights the significant divisions and uncertainties within the Israeli electorate regarding Netanyahu’s leadership and the government’s handling of current crises.

Netanyahu’s Bloc and Hostage-for-Ceasefire Proposal

The poll showed that 30% of voters currently classified within Netanyahu’s bloc would not vote for parties endorsing his continued leadership. Channel 12 did not disclose the poll’s sample size or margin of error.

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Regarding the Israeli hostage-for-ceasefire proposal recently revealed by US President Joe Biden, 56% of respondents were in favor, 24% were against, and 20% were undecided.

Netanyahu’s Considerations and Government’s Treatment of Hostage Families
An identical 56% of respondents believed that Netanyahu’s primary consideration in the return of hostages taken by Hamas during the October 7 terror attack was political, while 30% thought he was driven by practical concerns, and the remaining respondents were unsure.

The government’s treatment of the hostages’ families received overwhelming disapproval, with 72% expressing dissatisfaction, 19% expressing approval, and the rest unsure. Additionally, 75% disapproved of the government’s attitude towards those forced to flee their homes in the south and north due to Hamas-led attacks and cross-border attacks by Lebanon’s Hezbollah, with 18% expressing contentment and the rest undecided.

Opinions on War Cabinet Members and Potential Electoral Alliances

The survey also queried whether war cabinet members Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot should pull their National Unity party out of the government. Half of the respondents believed they should, 31% opposed the idea, and the remainder were unsure. Among National Unity supporters, 61% favored quitting the government.

When asked who should lead a theoretical new electoral alliance of right-wing leaders, 23% of respondents backed ex-prime minister Naftali Bennett, followed by Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman at 14%, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen at 11%, and New Hope head Gideon Sa’ar at 4%. 31% supported none of these leaders, and 17% were undecided.



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