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Benny Gantz Calls for State Commission to Investigate October 7 Failures

Israel Defense Benny Gantz

Defense Minister Benny Gantz ( photo by Ariel Hermoni Israel MOD)

Benny Gantz, a former Defense Minister and current member of Israel’s special war cabinet, is once again acting as a thorn in the side of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Gantz is now calling for a state investigation into what occurred in the lead up to the October 7, 2023 massacre enacted by Hamas terrorists.

The demand comes just one week after Benny Gantz set a June 8 deadline for Netanyahu to establish a formal plan for what will come in a post-Hamas Gaza.

The chairman of the State Camp party in the Knesset on Sunday submitted to the government secretariat a proposal for the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the events of the October 7 disaster and the conduct of the war in Gaza that it sparked. Gantz wants to see an examination of the political and security decisions that preceded the outbreak of the war and the nature of the preparation and the alertness and readiness of the security and intelligence agencies on the eve of October 7.

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Gantz, who was an opposition leader in the Knesset before the start of the Iron Swords War in Gaza, wants to see a national commission established on the matter. Benny Gantz only joined the government as part of its special War Cabinet after the October 7 attack.

Benny Gantz said that such an investigation is “of vital public importance at this time”, and that, if established, the commission must “examine all the facts and factors related to the attack on Israel on October 7 and the war.”

Gantz also said that the results of an investigation be forwarded to the government as soon as possible “in view of the importance of the matters.”

“These days there is a clear political value that there are independent and professional systems in Israel that are able to reach the truth in the various issues related to the management of the military campaign at the military and political level,” said Benny Gantz. “Establishing a state commission of inquiry will convey an important and unifying message to the Israeli public, that the entire government and security systems and those at their head are committed to an in-depth, objective and professional examination – which seeks to begin the process of national healing.”

Benny Gantz’s State Camp Party issued a statement on the matter saying, “All the events that preceded the war will be investigated within the framework of the state commission of inquiry, decision making in the political and military echelons, and actions during the time of war itself.”

However, it remains to be seen if Benjamin Netanyahu’s government will agree to the establishment of such a commission.



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