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Israeli Politics

Benny Gantz Issues Ultimatum: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Government in Danger of Collapsing

Benny Gantz

Benny Gantz. Photos Marc Israel Sellem. Credit Fusion

Benny Gantz, a former Defense Minister and current member of Israel’s special war cabinet, fired another shot at Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government when he issued an ultimatum Saturday night. In a public press conference Gantz, who is also a former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, gave Netanyahu a June 8 deadline to establish a formal plan for what will come in a post-Hamas Gaza.

In making his announcement, Benny Gantz made some harsh comments about the Netanyahu government, accusing Israel’s Prime Minister of putting himself above country and saying he is letting extremists dictate his government’s policies.

Gantz made, what for Israelis is a serious charge, saying, “Personal and political considerations have infiltrated the holy of holies of Israeli security.”

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“If you put the national over personal, you will find in us partners in the struggle,” said Gantz. “But if you choose the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation to the abyss, we will be forced to quit the government.”

By “fanatics,” Gantz was probably referring to two the two right-wing parties in the coalition government who threaten to bring down the government if their extreme demands on Gaza are not met.

The “people of Israel are watching you,” Benny Gantz told Netanyahu.

“You must choose between Zionism and cynicism (in Hebrew the two words sound alike), between unity and factions, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster,” he said.

“Lately, something has gone wrong,” Benny Gantz added. “Essential decisions were not made. Essential leadership decisions to ensure victory were not done. A small minority has taken over the command bridge of the Israeli ship of state and is steering her toward the rocks.”

If Benjamin Netanyahu does not meet this demand, Benny Gantz will quit the special wartime unity government. Such a move will not affect Israel’s coalition government as Netanyahu has a majority in the Knesset even without Gantz’s National Unity party, which only joined after he October 7 Hamas terrorist massacre.

However, Netanyahu’s Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, just two days before Benny Gantz’s announcement, made a similar declaration. Gallant called on the Prime Minister to finally decide on who will govern in Gaza after the Iron Swords War against Hamas is over, calling Netanyahu’s indecisiveness on the matter a danger for Israel.



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