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Israeli Politics

Israel Signs New $3 Billion Deal for F-35 Stealth Jets


IAF F-35 “Adir” Jets (Photo Israeli Air Force)

Israel’s Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant approved an approximately $3 billion deal to procure a third F-35 squadron for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), financed by American aid funds. The IDF gave the F-35 the Hebrew name “Adir” (excellent or great).

As part of the original agreement between the governments, the aircraft’s manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, and the engine manufacturer, Pratt & Whitney, have committed to involving Israeli defense industries in the production of aircraft components sold.

The Ministry of Defense will purchase a total of 25 F-35 aircraft from the American government, which will be manufactured by Lockheed Martin. This acquisition will expand the world’s most advanced stealth aircraft fleet operated by the Israeli Air Force to 75 aircraft.

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The F-35 Lightning II is a single-seat, single-engine, fifth-generation multirole combat aircraft that is intended to perform both air superiority and strike missions. It is the most expensive weapons system ever developed, with an estimated unit cost of $1.7 trillion over its lifetime.

In addition to its stealth tech, the F-35 has a number of other features that make it unique, including advanced sensors that allow it to see and track targets in all weather conditions and a powerful integrated weapons system that can carry a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons. The jet also has the ability to operate from a variety of bases, including land, sea, and aircraft carriers.

The F-35 is currently in service with the US Military, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Norway, and the Netherlands, as well as Israel. It is expected to be the backbone of the air forces of these countries for decades to come.

The specifications of the F-35: Length: 53 feet (16 meters), Wingspan: 35 feet (10.7 meters), Height: 14 feet (4.3 meters), Maximum takeoff weight: 70,000 pounds (31,750 kilograms), Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 (1,200 miles per hour), Range: 1,200 nautical miles (1,380 miles), Crew: 1

The F-35 has been controversial since its inception. Critics have argued that it is too expensive, that it is not as stealthy as claimed, and that it has not been adequately tested. However, supporters of the F-35 argue that it is the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world and that it will be essential for maintaining air superiority in the 21st century.

Following the Minister of Defense’s approval, the IMOD Mission to the USA will issue an official letter of request (LOR) to the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office (JPO). This step will facilitate the approval and signing of the transaction in the coming months.

The IDF said that this new agreement will ensure the “continuation of cooperation between American companies and Israeli defense industries in the production of aircraft parts.”



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