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The Modern Workplace Cares: What to Look for in a Top Employer

by Contributing Author

As a young person starting your career, you want to find a workplace that not only offers a good salary and benefits but also prioritizes your well-being and professional growth. These can be hard to find in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing job market, especially when starting. That’s why it’s important to know what employers are doing to support your employees better so that you can actively seek out the best workplaces.

Why More Employers are Focussing on Engagement as a Key Metric

Employee engagement is a key metric for how committed and enthusiastic employees are about their jobs and employers. Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and invested in the company’s success. A top employer will prioritize engagement by creating a positive work environment, providing opportunities for growth and development, and fostering a sense of community among employees. This can be achieved through regular communication, feedback, and recognition of employee contributions. Finding such an employer can be night and day difference for your career, both in the everyday and

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What Top Employers Are Doing and What You Should Watch Out For

There are many different initiatives out there to boost engagement and reduce stress, but overall, the three pillars that you should watch out for include:

·         Offers Flexible Working Conditions

In recent years, the concept of the traditional 9-to-5 workday has become increasingly outdated. With the rise of technology and remote work, many employees are looking for flexible working arrangements that allow them to work from home, flexible hours, or a hybrid schedule. A top employer will offer flexible working conditions to accommodate employees’ needs and provide a better work-life balance. However, it’s important to watch out for employers who use flexible working conditions as an excuse to exploit employees or demand excessive work hours.

·         Offers Vertical and Horizontal Opportunities

Every great job must have the opportunity for professional growth and development. A top employer will offer vertical and horizontal job opportunities, allowing employees to move up the career ladder or switch to a different department if they choose. They will also provide training and development opportunities to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge in areas they see fit. However, it’s important to watch out for employers who promise growth opportunities but fail to deliver or offer little support for training and development. Get in touch with current employees, read reviews, and remember to advocate for yourself.

·         Recognize and Appreciate You

A top employer will recognize and reward employee contributions through bonuses, promotions, and public recognition. They will also provide regular feedback and constructive criticism to help employees improve their performance. However, it’s important to watch out for employers who use recognition to manipulate employees or create a toxic work environment based on competition and favoritism. A good way to do this is to see how they measure and reward hard work. If it’s based on an “employee of the month”, you have a competitive environment. If, on the other hand, your efforts are recognized on a personal scale, then your performance will play a key role.



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