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Confirmed! Roger Waters IS an Anti-Semite

Roger Waters Pink Floyd

Famed Pink Floyd musician Roger Waters has spent the past decade reinventing himself as the world’s leading hater of Israel, going around the world blaming Israel for just about everything from the conflict in the Middle East to elevator music. But Roger Waters and others like him always deny that criticism of Israel – no matter how extreme or one-sided – does not equate with being an anti-Semite. Well, now Pink Floyd’s Polly Samson has come out and declared that Waters is, in fact, and anti-Semite as well as a misogynist.

Polly Samson is married to Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour. She also became a lyricist for the band after Roger Waters’ exit. Well, now Samson said in a Tweet, “Sadly Roger Waters you are anti-Semitic to your rotten core. Also a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense.”

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So, it took Roger Waters defending Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine to get people to finally wake up to the fact that this is a horrible person. And David Gilmour confirmed his wife’s statements writing in response, “Every word demonstrably true.”

In response, Roger Waters’ people responded on his official Twitter account with, “Roger Waters is aware of the incendiary and wildly inaccurate comments made about him on Twitter by Polly Samson, which he refutes entirely. He is currently taking advice as to his position.”

But, just recently Roger Waters in an interview continued to compare Israel to Nazis and even criticized his former bandmates for writing a song in support of Ukraine. On Israel, Waters said, “The Israelis are committing genocide. Just like Great Britain did during our colonial period, by the way. The British committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America, for example. So did the Dutch, the Spanish, the Portuguese even the Germans in their colonies. All were part of the injustice of the colonial era. And we, the British also murdered and pillaged in India, Southeast Asia, China…. We believed ourselves to be inherently superior to the indigenous people, just as the Israelis do in Palestine. Well, we weren’t and neither are the Israeli Jews.”

And on support for Ukraine Roger Waters said, “The most important reason for supplying arms to Ukraine is surely profit for the arms industry. And I wonder: is Putin a bigger gangster than Joe Biden and all those in charge of American politics since World War II? I am not so sure. Putin didn’t invade Vietnam or Iraq? Did he?”

And now comes word that Roger Waters may actually speak on behalf of Russia at the UN. Next up he plans to go back in time to speak on behalf of Stalin, Napoleon and Genghis Kahn.



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