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Bill Ackman: World War III Has Begun

Bill Ackman

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Billionaire investor Bill Ackman seems to think that the current conflict in Ukraine is not limited to a regional dispute. Ackman says that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in an attempt to force its neighbor into becoming nothing but a satellite of Moscow’s with a puppet regime under Vladimir Putin’s thumb is actually the first battle of World War II.

But who knows anyway? Bill Ackman is, after all, the man who lost a fortune when he tried to short Herbalife stock just a few years ago. So maybe Ackman is no expert on anything?

You usually hear in these situations, like when a celebrity or pro athlete makes similar comments about politics and so forth, most normal people responding by whatever comments they made by saying “stick to movie” or “stick to football” and so forth. So maybe people should tell Bill Ackman to stick to business and investments.

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After all, if Ackman really knows so much about world politics and business he would have already put all his money into oil contracts.

So, what exactly did Bill Ackman say anyway? Well, he compared the current situation to the month just before Covid-19 was officially declared a global pandemic.

“In January 2020, I had nightmares about the potential for a pandemic, but everyone seemed to think I was crazy. I am having similar nightmares now,” Bill Ackman tweeted over the weekend. “WWIII has likely started already, but we have been slow to recognize it.”

Ackman is not impressed by the surprise Ukrainian success in defending their country against the onslaught of the Russian military might. On the contrary, Bill Ackman fears that now since the Russians have failed to enact a swift victory then they are going to escalate things and even start a nuclear war. “The Ukrainians with the right weapons and resources have proven that they have what it takes to win the war, unless and until Putin goes nuclear,” he wrote.

Bill Ackman also expressed his concern for the plight of the Ukrainian people. “When they ask us why we allowed tens or hundreds of thousands, or millions of Ukrainians to die? I hope we are all around to answer these questions,” he tweeted. “The better the defense the Ukrainians put up, the more aggressive the Russians become. This has put us on a path to a very bad place because the Ukrainians are bravely prepared to fight to the death. We have seen indiscriminate shelling of apartment blocks and civilians. It is only going to get worse.”

So does Bill Ackman know what he is talking about? Is he just worried because of business investments in Russia that are hurting right now? Or could he be right?



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