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Bette Midler Gets Personal in Recent Interviews

Bette Midler

From Official Facebook Page

Bette Midler is the greatest! Yes she is! And now the 76 year old icon is telling us a lot more about herself in some recent interviews.

Bette Midler says that the greatest award that she ever won was not a Grammy, Emmy or even a Tony. It was actually a personal award given to her by the staff at a show that she once did.

“I had a residency in Vegas, and I was given a lot of awards at that time, a great time,” Bette Midler told The Washington Post. “Toward the end of the run, I got probably one of the greatest awards I ever received.”

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“An award from the ushers and the box office staff — for perfect attendance,” she said in the interview. “Because if you don’t work, they don’t get paid.”

Bette Midler also told the post that she thinks of herself as modest. “I don’t give myself a lot of pats on the back. I’m too busy moving on,” Midler said. “I mean, I was on a straight path, I was consumed by something. I never figured out if it was hormonal or if it was some sort of glitch in my makeup, but I was consumed by something. And I never wavered from that, from some crazy goal. And now that I am at my age, I have to stand back and take a minute and say, ‘What the hell was that?’ ”

In another interview, this one with the New York Times, Bette Midler confessed to being a voracious reader. When asked what books are on her nightstand she responded that it would be easier to list what is not.

“Here are things I’ve been hoarding, things I don’t have the courage to tackle just yet, gifts, books I buy on impulse, and P. G. Wodehouse, a perennial,” she said. “One year, my family gave me the entire Penguin Classics library and some of it is rough sledding, like “Gargantua and Pantagruel.” Politics, race, acting, history, religion, arts, the environment, detective stories, whatever the new fiction is, plus poor old Auden and Walt Whitman, who have been patiently standing by for years.”

As for her politics, Bette Midler is still going after Donald Trump for his failed handling of the Covid pandemic.

She tweeted, “How many people did #TyphoidTrump knowingly infect with #Covid after he tested positive last year? Between that & producing Don Jr., Eric & Ivanka, it seems like #trumps fluids are hell bent on destroying the world.”

On Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ recent revelations, “#MarkMeadows’ Christian faith meant that he had to rephrase #Donald’s reaction to getting #Covid as “Oh spit, you’ve got to be trucking lidding me.” But I guess he was fine with his boss trucking a porn star while he was married?”

And Bette Middler does not hold back as she accuses Trump of murder for how he handled the Coronavirus pandemic. “#DonaldTrump should be arrested for attempted murder. He tried to infect & kill #JoeBiden at the debate; by turning up too late to be tested, knowing full well he was positive; then screeched, sputtered, spit, and foamed at the mouth, hoping to infect Joe. He IS the devil.”



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