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Beginners Guide to Video Ad Networks

by Contributing Author

Advertising has always been changing, and it continues to transform even now. Video ads are currently the most demanded digital format for advertising. With people spending many hours a day straight up looking at phone and computer screens, video adverts are becoming even more profitable. Advertisers and publishers can buy and sell video ads through platforms known as video ad networks. In this article, we will cover the most essential info to understand what a video ads network is and how it works.

What Are Video Ad Networks?

A video ad network is a specific type of advertising network that focuses on monetizing traffic through video adverts. Many different platforms connect through a video ad network to provide convenient solutions for publishers that have video advert space and advertisers that want to buy this space for demonstrating their ads. There are also premium networks that allow deeper ad management, such as defining special requirements, targeting certain audiences, and customizing the advertising campaigns in real-time.

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Benefits of Video Ad Networks for Publishers

If you have a video ad inventory, it can be efficiently monetized with the help of video ad networks. These are extremely beneficial for publishers for various reasons, such as:

  • Managing your advertising assets
  • Better optimization with the mobile application and web pages
  • No intermediaries and publishers controlling monetization themselves
  • The possibility to receive higher profits from placing ads

Choosing a High-quality Video Ad Network

There are numerous video ad networks on the market, and new sites appear every day. It is essential to find the most efficient option for you to achieve better results. Here are some criteria to look for when you are selecting a video ad network:

  • Targeting solutions. Being able to find your specific target audience is crucial, which is why you should look for a video ad network that offers multiple targeting settings. Such options as geographical, contextual, and other kinds of targeting are very helpful when working with video adverts.
  • Cross-platform options. A high-quality video ad network should optimize its videos to be supported on a variety of devices. Because there are so many gadgets that people use for browsing the Internet, it is essential to deliver user-friendly solutions for all of them.
  • Other customers. If you are uncertain whether a video ad network will be useful for your business, you can always examine the other clients in this field. If there are businesses similar to yours or even smaller ones, this means you will probably benefit from joining a network.
  • Different video formats. There are so many various video ad formats to choose from, and each of them fits different requirements. Based on your advertising campaign, you should evaluate different video formats and find those that will benefit you most. One of the popular formats is a short video ad before a longer clip. Another extremely advantageous option is a rewarded ad that can be usually found in apps and mobile games. Users choose to see the ad themselves to obtain a certain reward at the end, which guarantees viewer satisfaction from the advert.
  • Performance reports. A good network should provide a set of tools to examine the performance of your ads and analyze the following strategy. With the help of analytics, you should be able to improve your adverts to perform better and reach wider audiences.

Hopefully, these criteria will be helpful for discovering a reliable and rewarding video ad network. In addition, make sure to have powerful technical support to be able to manage your video adverts.

Why Choose Video Ad Networks?

The benefits of video ads have been proven many times already. The majority of viewers prefer video formats over other types of advertising. But why use video ad networks?

One of the most accessible ways of delivering video adverts is posting them on social media. This is a solution for those brands that do not collaborate with ad networks. However, video adverts displayed on social media websites have less credibility and have a very limited reach. This solution is not the best option for reputable businesses that want to have a reliable image.

Video ad networks, on the other hand, offer premium solutions for video advertising. They deliver a multiple channels option and sell ad space anywhere, from mobile applications to television networks. Not only do video ad networks offer more reliable and credible solutions but also considerably higher performance. For example, app advertising is reported to be one of the most profitable solutions as of today. Pairing this channel of advertising with video ad formats guarantees high profits.



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