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Is Jared Kushner An Idiot?

Jared Kushner’s family money got him into elite schools and not his brilliance.

So when is Jared Kushner going to learn to just keep his mouth shut? The First Son-In-Law and senior advisor to the President keeps on saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

News of his careless and heartless words comes just days after Kushner made somewhat racist comments on live television in a Fox News interview.

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It’s kind of like in that movie where the cop tells the woman, “the calls are coming from inside the house.”

President Trump, who is so obsessed with loyalty and what people say about him, has overlooked the fact that the man who he has touted as being brilliant is not really so smart after all.

It’s not surprising, really. Jared Kushner’s family money got him into elite schools and not his brilliance.

His entire business career was handed to him by his family.

So what did Jared Kushner do now?

He knowingly allowed himself to be recorded in an interview with Bob Woodward. This is the same Bob Woodward who recently released recordings of President Trump himself admitting that Covid-19 was a serious threat at the same time he was telling the public not to worry.

CNN has released the recording of the interview made back in April. In it Kushner is heard telling Bob Woodward that President Trump was, “getting the country back from the doctors.” For some reason Jared Kushner thought that it was a good idea for political people to make all of the dictions for a national health crisis.

What do doctors know about stopping the spread of an infectious disease anyway? Better a guy who worked in real estate and who achieved everything in life through family connections make the big plans than doctors.

Jared Kushner broke the pandemic down into three phases. Remember this was all said back in April. When people were still scared and trying to stay safe and unsure of what will happen.

“There were three phases. There’s the panic phase, the pain phase and then the comeback phase. I do believe that last night symbolized kind of the beginning of the comeback phase. That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while, but that basically was, we’ve now put out rules to get back to work. Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors. They’ve kind of – we have, like, a negotiated settlement.”

So the idea was just get the country to open up again and to get the economy moving again.

Jared Kushner revealed that the plan for dealing with the Corona Virus pandemic was based on Donald Trump’s reelection campaign: Whatever they did needed to help ensure that President Trump would win.

Did he even consider the national chaos that would result from the American public hearing their President directly contradict his own professional medical advisors and senior people from the Department of Health and the CDC.?



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