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Sheldon Adelson Owned Paper Endorses Trump — Big Surprise

Sheldon-Adelson-vs-Donald Trump

Sheldon Adelson‘s The Las Vegas Review-Journal (which calls itself “The most reliable source for Las Vegas news”) has endorsed Donald Trump for President. So Trump has finally gotten at least one big paper to endorse his candidacy.

Does this surprise anybody? Its obviously a lot cheaper for Sheldon Adelson to support the Republican nominee through the press that he control’s than to waist another $100 million like he did the last time when he tried to unseat President Obama in favor of Mitt Romney. So far this year Adelson has been smart enough not to waist a lot of his vast fortune on Trump’s sinking ship.

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Apparently the paper thinks that Donald Trump is a misunderstood “agent of change.” So never mind all of the scandals over sexual assault, fraud and illegal campaign contributions, Trump is just the victim of a vast conspiracy to bring down an outsider. Or maybe he is just a misunderstood savior.

This is how The Las Vegas Review Journal put it:

“History tells us that agents for reform often generate fear and alarm among those intent on preserving their cushy sinecures. It’s hardly a shock, then, that the 2016 campaign has produced a barrage of unceasing vitriol directed toward Mr. Trump. But let us not be distracted by the social media sideshows and carnival clatter. Substantive issues are in play this November.”

So worry not folks. Donald Trump is not a narcissistic sociopath, nor a rapist charlaton. He “represents neither the danger his critics claim nor the magic elixir many of his supporters crave. But he promises to be a source of disruption and discomfort to the privileged, back-scratching political elites for whom the nation’s strength and solvency have become subservient to power’s pursuit and preservation.”

So thank you Sheldon Adelson for setting the record straight on Donald Trump.



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