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Israeli group raises $45K for Duma attack survivor

Tag Meir anti-racism organization launches crowdfunding campaign for Ahmed Dawabsha, quickly surpasses initial goal.



Tag Meir anti-racism organization launches crowdfunding campaign to raise money for four-year-old Ahmad Dawabsheh, who lost his father, mother and younger brother when in an arson attack at his family home in the village of Duma. The campaign began on Wednesday and quickly surpasses initial goal.

Tag Meir said that “Israel will not be able to make up for the loss of the Dawabsheh family until it catches the murderers, and unfortunately so far no suspects have been caught in four arsons of inhabited houses in the past two years – in Sinjil, Khirbet Abu Falah, Khirbet Carmel and Duma. Ahmad and his grandfather can not wait for justice to be served.”

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About two months ago, the Dawabshe home was fire-bombed by evil-doers. This fire killed baby Ali, his mother Riham, and his father Sa’ad. On the walls was sprayed the word, “Revenge.” Only by the mother’s action did 4-year old Ahmed survive. He is recovering in Tel Hashomer Sheba Hospital’s children’s unit with the assistance of his grandfather Hussein.

Ahmed is bereft of parents and actually all that he has left is his grandfather who to until the incident worked as a floor-paver. Since that day he is rooted to Ahmed’s bedside and serves as his entire family.

Tag Meir says: on the eve of the approaching Tishrei holidays for the Jewish People, while yet in the month of Elul, the month of forgiveness and compassion, we at the Tag Meir Forum decided to run a crowd-source campaign to raise money for building Ahmed’s future and assisting the Dawabshe family.

Donations will be directed into three main channels: Emergency channel including Ahmed’s treatment and rehabilitation and assistance to his grandfather Ahmed; An educational and assistance channel for Ahmed’s future; Channel for State housing and family support.

Duma - The three slain Dawabsheh family members: Father Saed,   mother Reham and baby Ali (Photo: Hassan Shaalan)


Our ways are ways of pleasantness and peace, Announce the organization. 

It is important for us to note, says Tag Meir “The State of Israel will not compensate the Dawabshe family before the murderers are apprehended. This could take a long time. Ahmed and his grandfather need us now and cannot wait until the wheels of justice turn and the investigation brings results.

“We believe that widespread recruitment of the Israeli public will transmit to the Dawabshe family and other minorities living among us a message of perfection/rectification, solidarity, common fate, and compassion in the spirit of the Torah of Israel and its commandments: Remember that you were sojourners in the land of Egypt and Peace, peace to far and the near.”





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