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Carl Icahn to Donald Trump: No Thanks

Carl Icahn

Carl Icahn is not interested in being Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury in the very unlikely event that the real estate mogul should ever actually get elected president.

Late show hosts and comics everywhere rejoiced last week when Donald Trump finally stopped playing Hamlet and actually declared himself a candidate for the presidency of the United States. After hinting at it each time since 2000, the reality TV star declared his candidacy officially last week, leading Jon Stewart to openly regret his decision to retire from the Daily Show.

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Also last week trump told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough that, “I’d love to bring my friend Carl Icahn, ” with him to the cabinet if elected. But Icahn responded with a blog post in which the billionaire activist investor took the humble approach by saying that there are many people much more qualified than him for the post of Treasury Secretary, while also taking a bit of a jab at Trump’s candidacy.

Icahn wrote, “I was extremely surprised to learn that Donald was running for President and even more surprised that he stated he would make me Secretary of Treasury. I am flattered but do not get up early enough in the morning to accept this opportunity.

“There are others much more knowledgeable than I concerning Presidential elections. I will therefore decline to opine on his chances. But I am knowledgeable concerning markets and believe Donald is completely correct to be concerned that we have “a big fat bubble coming up. We have artificially induced low interest rates.”

“I personally believe we are sailing in dangerous unchartered waters. I can only hope we get to shore safely. Never in the history of the Federal Reserve have interest rates been artificially held down for so long at the extremely low rates existing today. I applaud Donald for speaking out on this issue – more people should.”

So why exactly was Icahn “extremely surprised” to learn that Trump was actually running this time? Could it be that he never thought that the showman would actually do it or could it be because he does not think that his friend is qualified for the job?

We’ll let you be the judge of that.



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