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Lady Brings Apple 1 From Jobs & Wozniak Worth $200, 000 To Recycling Centre



Only a couple of hundred Apple 1’s were made, their first computer put together with sticky tape and coat hangers by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in a garage in 1976.

Now one has sold recently to a private collector at auction in Silicon Valley for US$200, 000, according to the San Jose Mercury News. This is not a record price for an Apple 1 by any means, which stands at at least the US$387, 000 another example fetched a couple of years ago.

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But this one is unusual as the local recycling centre there, Clean Bay Area, which found it in a box of old stuff brought to them by an unknown lady is now offering to share the US$200, 000 proceeds with her 50:50 if she will identify herself to them.

Clean Bay Area Vice President Victor Gichun is quoted as saying this is their formal policy, and they are hopeful she will now step forward after the publicity this has attracted. Apparently the find was hiding in a pile of boxes the lady in question wanted to throw out of her garage, after the death of her husband, but didn’t want it to just go to landfill so she brought it to the recycling centre.

Now she stands to make a lot of money – some $100, 000 for her trouble. Those canny Brits who come from Yorkshire have a saying “Where there’s muck there’s brass” – they are so right.




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