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Bernie Sanders Raises $1.5 Million in 24 Hours

Hilary Clinton must be shaking in her boots.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders raised $1.5 million for his Presidential campaign in its first 24 hours. Hilary Clinton blushes.

The Vermont Senator’s campaign announced that it raised the money on Friday. He is looking for small donations only and the average was $43. A note at the bottom of his campaign’s official website says “Paid for by Bernie 2016” and underneath in parenthesis “Not The Billionaires.”

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The Clinton campaign must be afraid. How can the former First Lady hope to compete with only the support of the wealthiest Democratic donors?

In today’s era of big money in American politics, a candidate like Sanders really needs a miracle if he is to compete with the much better known and – more importantly — better funded Hilary Clinton.

Sanders’ website itself is sparse. It has no bells and whistles, no pictures, and is nothing but a link for contributions and a place to put in your zip code if you want to find out how to volunteer.

It also states: “We are at a moment of truth. We need to face up to the reality of where we are as a nation, and we need a mass movement of people to fight for change.

“I believe America is ready for a new path to the future. Make a contribution to my presidential campaign today. I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish together. – Bernie Sanders.”

Senior Sanders adviser Tad Devine said in a statement, “This is a remarkable start for Bernie’s campaign. People across America are yearning for authentic leadership that tells them the truth about what is holding back our nation. Bernie Sanders understands the problems we face.”



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