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Ashton Kutcher Defending Rights of Dads with Baby Wads

See? For years we’ve been saying that as soon as men are discriminated against — it’ll be in all the papers.

Ashton Kutcher with Mila and Baby

So, now that “Two and a Half Men” is over, Ashton Kutcher was just having a day on the town with his and Mila Kunis‘s six-month-old Wyatt Isabelle, and the kid dropped a load. Happened to all of us, right?

So he’s looking to change her diaper, except that the public men’s room he went into did not have a changing table. And that upset him so much, he told the world about it on his Facebook page. OK, not the WHOLE world, only the billion plus Facebook subscribers.

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“There are NEVER diaper changing stations in mens public restrooms. The first public men’s room that I go into that has one gets a free shout out on my FB page! #‎BeTheChange, ” he wrote.

You’ll recall that Mila Kunis, his bride to be, told Ellen DeGeneres on her show: “The second she was born he changed the first diaper. And has changed multiple diapers ever since. If he’s home he changes the diaper.”

Now a pattern is emerging: it looks like Ashton Kutcher is the go to guy when you need to change a stinky — after all, he did replace Charlie Sheen on “Two and a Half Men.”

Anyway, Kutcher’s message resonated with more than 215, 000 Facebokies who liked his post, some even suggesting men’s rooms offering changing stations. And, naturally, there were those angry dads crying the changing tables discrimination blues.

See? For years we’ve been saying that as soon as men are discriminated against — it’ll be in all the papers. Maternity leave discrimination stories — not so much…



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