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Mario Balotelli’s New Social Media Fail: Jews Grab Coins, He Grabs Fans’ Girlfriends

Mario Balotelli instagram

Mario Balotelli should probably stick to football and give social media a rest. Social media hasn’t been kind to him, or rather, he hasn’t been kind to it (or with it). The striker for Premier Club Liverpool and the Italian national team was chatting up a fan’s girlfriend and the whole thing was caught on Instagram. While the striker has been a disappointment to Liverpool fans this season, he also failed to actually score with an Icelandic fan Jonatan Ingi’s sweetheart after her boyfriend revealed that Balotelli told her to unlock her pics and asked her what city she lived in. She then asked him, “Why are u asking qt (questions)?” Ignoring that question, and perhaps wisely making sure wouldn’t be committing a felony if he succeeded, he asked, “How old are u?” She replied, “Just turned 19 ๐Ÿ™‚ ”

He lost the ball, and the conversation, and Jonatan actually found it amusing. He posted the chat between his gal and the striker with the message, “Great Goals: The moment when Mario Balotelli tries to steal your girlfriend.” The two were seen laughing over the chats and Jonatan wrote, “Have a lot of questions if we are still together. Yes we are. haha.”

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Balotelli should have known to be more careful on social media after a storm erupted over a picture he posted of the video game classic character Super Mario with the text, “Don’t be racist! Be like Mario. He’s an Italian plumber created by Japanese people who speaks English and looks like a Mexican …jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew.”

Balotelli was threatened with disciplinary action. He deleted the Tweet, and then wrote, “My mom is Jewish so all of u shut up please.” This is only partly true. His foster mother, Silvia, is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. Then, backing off from getting defensive, and perhaps to avoid a suspension, he wrote, “I apologize for offending anyone. The post was supposed to be anti-racist with humor. Not all Mexicans have mustache, not all black people jump high and not all Jewish people love money. I used cartoon done by someone else because it was super Mario and I thought it was funny not offensive. I’m sorry.”



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