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Shawn Levy, Writers, Quit Warner Brothers’ Video Game-Based ‘Minecraft’


Director Shawn Levy has dropped out of Warner Brothers’ project to bring the popular video game Minecraft to the screen. Writers Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney have also dropped out of the movie.

First TV shows were made into movies. Then video games and finally toys and board games. What next, television commercials? Just about the only video game turned movie to be a hit was Lara Croft and those two movies at least had Angelina Jolie prancing around in tight fitting spandex for 90 minutes.

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It is not clear how exactly an interactive game like Minecraft, which lets players build worlds, can be made into a movie. But that’s Hollywood. Apparently Levy’s vision did not fit in with the studio’s one for the project. Vision? What vision can there be in regards to a movie based on a video game?

Levy released a statement saying, “A writing team and I had developed a whole take on ‘Minecraft, ‘ and it did not fit with what the game makers want for their brand. I felt we had a good approach. It didn’t sync up with what the manufacturers want. That’s completely their prerogative. It’s their massively successful company.”

The 46 year old Levy has previously directed the 2006 reboot of the Pink Panther and the Night at the Museum movies. His next film due out is the third and hopefully final installment in that series which stars ben Stiller called Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb which is due out next week.

Levy’s upcoming projects that he is still involved with officially include The City That Sailed, an adventure film starring Will Smith, Tinker Bell, a comedy with Melissa McCarthy and Forty Thieves, a retelling of the folk tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.



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