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Dr. Doom Nouriel Roubini Tweets his Love Life for the World to See on the Way Down

Nouriel Roubini w. friends

Nouriel Roubini, known as “Dr. Doom” for his often dire predictions about the state of the economy, might have been implying by his Tweet that he was on the prowl for more than one hottie. Why should we be surprised? After all, the famed economist decorated his Tribeca loft with plaster vaginas (plaster? I hope they were just for decoration), according to Gawker.

When he was in Chicago for business, Roubini tweeted, “Wenjie love, Lovely seeing you last night. I am now in Chicago for biz. Free tonite. Know any hotties free for dinner and drinks. Let me kn..”

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Okay, so why did he choose to tweet this rather than sending this dear Wenjie an email or a private message? But never mind. Perhaps he meant “hotties” in the plural so he could have a selection?  Because maybe he was tired of Wenjie, Whoever Wenjie is?  Or perhaps he needed several hotties to rub together because it can get really cold in Chicago.

Well, since he spends his days imagining another economic collapse, perhaps he could use a few laughs in his evenings. From a few people. At once.

Nouriel has had quite a eventful life (maybe it was innocent after all), born to Iranian Jews and growing up in Turkey and then Italy. And then Harvard, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the Bank of Israel. So what can we say? He’s a man of the world.

Nouriel Roubini Tweet



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