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Madonna Controversial Ceasefire Instagram Enraging Fans on Both Sides

Shows you how much damage can be avoided by not sending Instagram messages.

madonna with jew and arab

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Madonna has angered many Jewish and Israeli fans over her recent postings on Instagram.

The follower of mystical, Kabalistic practices, who took the Hebrew name Esther, posted a picture of the murdered Jerusalem Arab teen Mohammed Abu Khdeir on her Instagram account last week, with a caption calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

The caption read: “Cease fire on both sides! All human life is valuable! Stop the violence!”

The pop star also included the tags #revolutionoflove, and #peaceinthemiddleeast.

Although Madonna has performed in Israel, disregarding boycotts by many in Show Business, her fans were angered and offended by the post. They did not understand why she used that boy’s picture while seemingly ignoring the three Israeli teens whose murders came first. The fans posted angry responses to that affect.

Kelly Mulcahy-Michaelov pointed the singer’s attention to the fact that Israel warned civilians they were going to attack. Left notices and posters. Hamas told them not to leave. That IS NOT on Israel. That is the fault of the people who stayed listening to HAMAS who kill their own people. Wake up!

Madonna responded by adding a picture of the three Israeli boys, Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and Naftali Frankel, to Instagram. To this she added the statement, “Conflicts can never be resolved through violence! Cease fire on both sides. All human life is precious!”

The addition was received by equal rage from Madonna’s Arab fans, including this choice entry by Edmon ImseehAre you fucking kidding? All what we are going through and all the violence that is happening to Palestinians and you focused on 3 [kidnap victims]?

So much for music bringing peace to the world.




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