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Safra Catz becomes the highest earning female CFO in history

Ms. Catz, Chief Financial Officer for Larry Ellison’s Oracle Corporation earned $43.6 million for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2013.

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Safra Catz, Chief Financial Officer  and  Joint President of the Software giant Oracle reportedly received compensation valued at $43.6 million for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2013, making her the highest earning female CFO in history. Ms. Catz will have to  come to terms with the fact  that most of that respectable  salary package came in the form of a stock-option grant, meaning that Ms. Catz will have to make do with a  base salary for the year of just $950, 000.

With Safra Catz has consistently provided strong evidence that the status of women in the world of business in rising all the time, and with it their ability to earn top salaries, it is interesting to note, in a report recently released by the The Wall Street Journal who began to track  compensation levels at the leading companies in the United States  four years ago  that not a single  female CEO made it into the top 10 salary earners made it into the top ten for 2013.

Also worthy of consideration is that while Ms. Catz’s salary still topped the rankings in 2013 for CFO’s   it actually  declined by more than $8 million  from the  $51.7 million she earned the previous year before, when she was forced into second place  by Apple’s Peter Oppenheimer.

Overall, according to the Wall Street Journal reports, average  salary packages for chief financial officers among the S&P 500 companies actually dropped for the first time in years, by around  2% in 2013 to an average of  $3.3 million around 7.5% of what Ms. Catz earned for the year.


Safra Catz was born in Holon, near Tel Aviv,   Israel and brought up in Brookline, Massachusetts, where her family moved to in 1967 when she was just six.

After graduating from High School, Ms. Catz went on to earn her bachelor’s degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania as well as her Juris Doctor from the University Of Pennsylvania Law School.

Safra Catz began her professional career in New York-based merchant banking company of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, rising up the ladder to become the bank’s Managing Director.

Catz joined Oracle Corporation in April 1999, and was appointed to the company’s Board of Directors two years later, reaching the rank of President in 2004. Ms. Catz is recognized as being one of the driving forces behind Oracle’s success in recent years in particular the masterminding of the software giant’s successful acquisition of one of the company’s main rivals PeopleSoft in a $10.3 billion takeover in 2005.



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