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Phil Libin launches an Evernote app for Salesforce

The application, Evernote for Salesforce, has been released on the Salesforce App Exchange, the World’s largest Business Apps Marketplace.

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Evernote, the “ rapid note” software company founded by Phil Libbin in 2007, has taken a vast leap forward thanks to the launch of Evernote for Salesforce, an application that will allow Evernote users to instantly link to a vast pool of business users through Salesforce, a company that provides on-demand customer relationship management (CRM) software services.

Thanks to the linkup, Salesforce users can now rapidly gain a deeper understanding of their customers as well as accessing hundreds of leads simply by tapping into the notes and research painstakingly maintained on the Evernote Business website.

Invaluable business information such as sales collateral, customer research, contact information, notes digitally taking at meetings as well as email exchanges stored in Evernote can now be added seamlessly to individual client records in the Salesforce database. This “marriage made on the cloud” will provide sales and support teams who subscribe to either company all the selective information that they will require to maintain and strengthen relationships with existing clients as well as win new ones.

Announcing details of the new relationship with Salesforce, Phil Libin expressed his excitement at taking this important first step in our partnership with  the Salesforce website  that will allow was to combine the information available across an entire organization. “Thanks to Salesforce’s cutting-edge cloud technologies the new partnership will allow the business community access to both context and information they are in need of successfully manage customer relationships and consequently get more done.” Libbin summed up.

The Evernote Business application is capable of operating on any desktop or mobile device with or without the need for an active Internet connection. Sales teams can utilize the power of Evernote Business to gather customer and lead information wherever they are in real time. Once all the information they require has been gathered it can then be integrated into the Evernote for Salesforce app in an organized fashion that will enable rapid linking to Salesforce records, creating an up-to-the-minute and easily understandable view of the accumulated lead to information.

In conjunction with you the launch of the new partners, Evernote have also introduced some significant new features in their Evernote Business product design to support the efficient exchange of information through several departments in a business. Among the most outstanding is Expertise Discovery- a form of keyword search that will suggest a member of the company staff has specific knowledge regarding any given subject.

The linkup with Salesforce will open the door to the Evernote service to the business community, which, according to Phil Libin, provides potential to double the company’s revenue. In 2012 Evernote succeeded in almost doubling their users to 75 million users, up from 40 million from the previous year.  Within a few days of launching their new service, Evernote report that they have already signed up around 8, 000 companies to business.

Evernote have made it a policy to deliberately target Wall Street banks and venture capitalists in order to acquaint potential investors to the advantages of the service that they offer in preparation for an anticipated initial public offering that is liable to happen within the next two to three years in the coming years.

The company has taken considerable pains to learn their lessons from the severe security breach that they fell victim to earlier this year. The breach came about as a result of computer hackers succeeding to access user information, comprising confidential corporate data and intellectual property.

Since the incident, according to Phil Libin, Evernote had taken considerable steps to “very dramatically” increase Evernote’s levels of security this year, making investments in an attempt to guarantee the service could not be so readily hacked in the future, with constant vigilance being the key word as well as the awareness that a site such as Evernote containing hundreds of millions of items of information in a very attractive target for the computer hackers of the world.


Phil Libin was born in Russia and was brought to America by his paintings when he was just eight years old. From an early age, Libin was active on the computer hobbyist scene and succeeded in teaching himself programming from magazines.

After graduating with a degree in Computer Science from University of Illinois in 1997, Libin started his professional career helping develop software for ATG, Exchange Applications and EF, before forming his first company, CoreStreet, which provided credential and identity management technologies to governments and large corporations. In 2009, CoreStreet was acquired by ActivIdentity. Later Libin founded another start-up Engine 5, an Internet software development company, which two was bought out, this time by the Vignette Corporation.






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