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Jewish Business News

Uri Avnery

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement. Avnery was a Knesset member from 1965–74 and from1979–81.

The A-List

SO HERE we are. Either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be our next president. “Our”? I am not a US citizen, and have...

The A-List

THE State of Israel was still young, when two famous comedians produced a short act: Two Arabs stand on the seashore and curse a...

World News

A PALESTINIAN youngster breaks into a settlement, enters the nearest house, stabs a 13-year old girl in her sleep and is killed. Three Israeli...

The A-List

What the hell has happened to them? Have they gone crazy? The British, of all people? I have always been an Anglophile. Even as...

World News

SUDDENLY, A familiar face, almost forgotten, appeared on the TV screen. Well, not entirely familiar, because it now sports a prominent black beard. (If...

The A-List

I consider Binyamin Netanyahu as the grave-digger of our state, the man who sets the course towards catastrophe, the man who obstructs any chance...

The A-List

ONCE I heard the following story from the then Swedish ambassador in Paris: “In 1947, when the UN was discussing the plan to partition...

The A-List

I recently mentioned the German word Gleichschaltung – one of the most typical words in the Nazi vocabulary. “Gleich” means “the same”, and “Schaltung”...