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The Scandinavian sleep method Could Be the Answer Couples Might Be Looking For

the Scandinavian sleep method

The Scandinavian sleep method just might save your marriage. All those clichés about one person hogging the covers or couples never agreeing on how thick or warm their blanket should be are things that can actually lead to relationship-ending disputes. So anyway that someone can avoid such problems should be a welcome solution.

The Scandinavian sleep method is a popular practice in Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, in which couples sleep in the same bed but each use their own individual duvet or blanket. This method is also common in other parts of Europe, such as Germany and Iceland.

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With the Scandinavian sleep method, explains, couples can minimize sleep-related disruptions and allow each person to regulate their own temperature at night. Although comforters or blankets could also be used, duvets are traditionally used for the Scandinavian sleep method because they were developed in Scandinavia and other colder European countries.

When couples share a single blanket or duvet, it can be easy to disturb each other’s sleep when one person moves or rolls over. With the Scandinavian sleep method, each person can move freely without disturbing their partner.

The different temperatures also play a role in aiding couples to avoid conflict. Some people sleep hotter or colder than others. With the Scandinavian sleep method, each person can choose the blanket or duvet that is most comfortable for them, regardless of their partner’s temperature preferences.

The Scandinavian sleep method also gives couples more flexibility in their bedtime and wake-up routines. For example, one person can go to bed or wake up earlier than the other without disturbing their partner. This is of immense help to couples with different schedules.

Erica Stolman Dowdy explained in a popular TikTok video “The Scandinavian sleep method is an absolute game changer. 10/10 recommend.”

And if you think Scandinavians might not be the best source of advice on such issues, Dowdy also pointed out how lively the Scandinavians can be, in spite of the gloomy weather. “There are no sad beige houses in Copenhagen,” she said. “They love fun colors, so saying goodbye to my white sheets, and we’re gonna do pink linen sheets because they always sleep with linen sheets, and they are the most comfortable.”

So, if you choose to use the Scandinavian sleep method start off by using two duvet covers of the same size because this will make it easier to make your bed in the morning and keep the duvets from getting tangled with one another. Overlap the duvets in the middle of the bed since this will help to keep the bed warm and comfortable for both people.

Also you should choose duvets or blankets that are the right weight for you. If you sleep hot, choose a lighter blanket or duvet. If you sleep cold, choose a heavier one and also be sure to adjust the duvets or blankets as needed throughout the night. If you get too hot or too cold, simply pull off or add more covers.



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