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Diet Coke Can Be Bad for Your Teeth and for Your Diet Too

Diet Coke, and any diet drinks that contain artificial sweaters, may actually be making you fatter. And they might also be ruining your teeth.

According to the research, within ten minutes of drinking a can of Diet Coke the chemicals within it already begin to cause damage to your teeth. Within 20 minutes it adversely affects how the body stores fat, within 40 minutes it begins to become addictive and within an hour after drinking it, Diet Coke will cause hunger pains.

The last side effect leads drinkers to eat much more and so negates any advantages that the sugarless drink could have for dieting.

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Part of the problem here is how artificial sweeteners affect the brain, and this is true for just about all diet drinks on the market today. Since they make a person think he has consumed sugar – but has not actually done so – the body releases insulin to absorb it. But with nothing to absorb the brim tells you to eat something.

But the worst seems to be how diet drinks harm a person’s teeth.

Dr Raj Juneja, of the Face Teeth Smile Dental Clinic, told The Sun, “Diet Coke, like other carbonated beverages, is highly acidic. The carbonation process involves the addition of carbonic acid, which gives the drink its characteristic fizz. The acidity of Diet Coke can contribute to tooth enamel erosion over time.”

Dr. Khaled Kasem, an orthodontist at Impress, told the Sun, “Although diet sodas appear to be a healthier alternative compared to full sugar drinks, the actual impact these drinks have on our teeth is just as bad. It’s best to reduce your intake of these drinks and we would always advise using a straw if you do consume them and drinking water afterward, to help protect your teeth.”

If you are going to drink Diet Coke, or any other drink containing artificial sweeteners, avoid the ones with caffeine, especially ones like Coke Zero and Pepsi Max that have extra caffeine. This is because caffeine is dehydrating and so not long after that drink you will find yourself getting thirsty again. So one should especially avoid diet drinks when feeling thirsty on a hot day. The relief will last for just a few minutes.



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