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Report: Iran Spending Millions to Help Hamas Re-Dig Tunnels, Replenish Missile Stock

The Al-Quds force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, has been contributing a lot to the goal of fostering a Shiite hegemony over the Middle East.

General Qassem Suleimani

Iran has sent Hamas tens of millions of dollars to finance the rebuilding of the Gaza terror tunnels which the IDF destroyed last summer, The Sunday Telegraph reported, citing intelligence sources.

According to the same report, Iran is also paying for restocking Hamas’s arsenal of missiles, aimed at Israeli civilian centers.

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The renewed cooperation between the largely Suni Hamas and the purely Si’ite Iranians shows that members of the two branches of the faith can still find consensus in some areas, mainly killing Jews.

Iran’s imperialist army, the Al-Quds force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, has been contributing a lot to the goal of fostering a Shiite hegemony over the Middle East, an effort launched by President GW Bush in 2003, when he invested many trillions of dollars in unseating the most resilient Suni opponent of Iranian expansionism, Saddam Hussein.

The Al-Quds force is behid the Shi’ite Houthi rebels taking over Yemen, behind the Shi’ite Iraqi government’s battles to recapture the Suni city of Tikrit, and behind the Hezbollah and President Assad’s effort to stop the Suni uprising in Syria. Now General Suleimani has added a new aggression in Gaza to his ambitious campaign, and the Telegraph reports that he is back from the front, in Tehran.

A senior Western security official told the Telepgraph that “there is a growing sense throughout the region that Tehran has overplayed its hand, and Iran now finds itself facing a backlash.”

Which is when the United States will once again come to the aide of the Ayatollah regime, by removing economic sanctions and allowing Iran to reach its full potential in the region.



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