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Goldberg might as well have been quoting from Netanyahu's talking points sheet.

Israeli Politics

Meanwhile, Karhi is also promoting the abolition of Israel’s Supreme Court.


Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman says Israelis and Palestinians have right to exist in 'their own land' and says Iran's supreme leader makes...


Twitter is a growing source for antisemitic rants leveled against Jewish journalists. This according to a new report from the Anti-Defamation League. The Anti-Defamation...


  President Barack Obama’s claim that he sought to persuade the Arab world to stop viewing Israel as the root of all the Middle East’s ills in his historic...


In new interview published in The Atlantic, US president discusses his previously private encounters with Middle East leaders; Obama calls Netanyahu condescending and Erdogan...


  One year after the terror attack at the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the publication’s editor wrote in a commemorative issue that while the massacre led...


Jewish lobby group J Street said Wednesday that it is building support for the Iran nuclear deal through a national campaign. J Street also launched...


The American President repeat and said that because U.S. is close to Israel, Oval Office had to speak up about Israeli PM's Election Day...


Netanyahu has taken a huge gamble in his decision to go ahead and speak to the Congress over Obama's head.

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