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Israeli Startup Clutch Security Launches Innovative Non-Human Identity Protection Platform

Clutch Security raised $8.5 million in a Seed funding round led by Lightspeed Venture Partners.

Clutch Security

Clutch Security Team (from website)

Clutch Security is a new Israeli cybersecurity startup that offers a new Universal Non-Human Identity (NHI) Security platform. The company raised $8.5 million in a Seed funding round led by Lightspeed Venture Partners. Clutch declares its mission is to deliver end-to-end NHI security and proactively bridge NHI security gaps across the entire organizational landscape, without affecting business velocity.

The explosive growth of Non-Human Identities (NHIs) across complex enterprise environments poses unprecedented security risks. NHIs, including API keys, secrets, tokens, and service accounts, are scattered across cloud, SaaS, on-prem systems, and various digital infrastructures like vaults, code repositories, CI/CD pipelines, and data warehouses. This dispersed landscape makes managing and securing them extremely challenging.

Accelerated by the rise of AI, the NHI population is expanding exponentially. As AI drives automation, a surge in NHIs is required to orchestrate interactions between systems and applications. This dramatic shift has created a 1:45 human-to-non-human identity ratio. Given their vast number, distributed nature, privileged access, and lack of dedicated security controls, NHIs have become the most vulnerable point of attack for cybercriminals.

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Founded in 2023 by CEO Ofir Har-Chen, the former COO at Hunters, and a cybersecurity expert at Sygnia, CTO Sagi Haas, and VP of R&D Tal Kimhi, Clutch Security boasts the firm is safeguarding the digital heart of enterprises by addressing the critical challenge of non-human identity security.

As organizations increasingly rely on complex digital infrastructures, the protection of non-human identities—such as API keys, secrets, tokens, and service accounts—has become paramount. Clutch Security is developing a comprehensive platform to manage and secure these identities, transforming how enterprises protect their sensitive data and systems.

Clutch Security says its solution fortifies the digital backbone, ensuring a secure, resilient, and trustworthy operational environment.

By prioritizing risks based on severity and business impact, Clutch Security says the firm empowers security teams with actionable remediation plans. Our platform proactively detects and responds to suspicious NHI behavior, integrating seamlessly with existing security workflows. Leveraging a Zero Trust approach, Clutch safeguards enterprises from advanced threats by continuously monitoring and protecting NHIs.

“We spent decades on the frontlines assisting organizations in contending with cyber attacks, and witnessed the emergence of Non-Human Identity threats and their devastating impact,” said Clutch Security Co-Founder & CEO Ofir Har-Chen. “We built Clutch to equip security teams with a universal solution delivering complete visibility, context, security, and management for all NHIs, helping them not only to identify risks early and remediate effectively, but also to proactively strengthen their defenses while certifying and verifying NHIs. With support from great investors and industry leaders, our goal is to lead the market in NHI security.”



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